VKA considers announced warning strikes at municipal clinics to be excessive

VKA considers announced warning strikes at municipal clinics to be excessive


/picture alliance, Oliver Berg

Berlin The Marburger Bund (MB) announced yesterday that warning strikes would take place next Monday. The Association of Municipal Employers’ Associations (VKA) has little understanding for this, as it announced today.

In view of the excessive, unfinanceable demands, the industrial action measures would be completely unfounded, criticized the municipal employers. It is difficult for us to understand why the doctors’ union is calling for warning strikes in this precarious situation for us hospitals, said VKA negotiator Dirk Kcher.

The drastic pay increases demanded by the MB would have cost more than 20 percent, whereas the clinics would only have received revenue increases of 5.25 percent for 2024. Our hospitals would not be able to cope financially with the implementation and, in the worst case, would go bankrupt, said Kcher. At the same time, however, he signaled the VKA’s willingness to work towards a constructive solution for municipal doctors.

But it is also a fact that we cannot implement the union demands in this form, said Kcher. The VKA called on the MB to recognise the economic framework of these collective bargaining negotiations and to fight for a solution at the negotiating table.

In addition to a pay increase of 8.5 percent for one year, the Marburger Bund is demanding, among other things, a new regulation of shift and rotating shift work. In addition, time bonuses are to be paid for the newly defined shift work and additional vacation days are being demanded. The collective bargaining negotiations will continue next Tuesday, September 17, 2024. © hil/sb/aerzteblatt.de

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