Thuringian Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians: Hospitals cannot...

Thuringian Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians: Hospitals cannot…



Weimar The representative assembly of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KV) in Thuringia vehemently rejects plans to open hospitals for primary care. In a resolution passed yesterday, it states that the basic medical care of the population close to home must not be endangered by the migration of practice staff to hospitals.

In the anonymous operation of a hospital, the traditional bond between patients and their family doctor is lost. However, knowledge of the patient’s life and medical history is a crucial quality feature in family medicine, as the resolution emphasizes.

In addition, the practice teams are always led by doctors with specialist qualifications, while hospital outpatient departments are predominantly staffed by doctors in training. In view of the demographically induced thinning out of the nationwide supply of general practitioners and specialists, it would be fundamentally wrong to rely on experiments with an uncertain outcome instead of strengthening and concentrating on proven structures.

Where there are still owner-operated medical practices, priority should be given to ensuring their continued existence in the interest of patient care, according to the representative assembly of the KV Thuringia. © EB/aha/

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