Nursing should provide more medical services

Nursing should provide more medical services


/picture alliance, Friso Gentsch Berlin – Medical services that suitably qualified nursing professionals will be allowed to provide in the future are to be brought together in a special catalogue. This is stated in the

The situation of nursing care insurance is precarious

The situation of nursing care insurance is precarious


/picture alliance, Philipp von Ditfurth Berlin – The Federal Audit Office (BRH) has called on the federal government to take measures that will bring about a lasting improvement in the financial situation of the statutory

Nursing assistant training should be regulated nationwide

Nursing assistant training should be regulated nationwide


/picture alliance, Flashpic, Jens Krick Berlin – A nursing assistance law is intended to create an independent and nationwide professional profile for nursing assistance. This is the result of a draft law by the Federal

Nursing professionals call for rapid reforms

Nursing professionals call for rapid reforms


/picture alliance, epd-bild, Werner Krueper Mainz – According to a joint assessment by the Nursing Society, the State Nursing Chamber, the Social Association VdK and consultants from the field, nursing care in Rhineland-Palatinate is on

Nursing faces huge challenges

Nursing faces huge challenges


Aminata Touré (Alliance 90/The Greens), Minister for Social Affairs, Youth, Family, Senior Citizens, Integration and Equality in Schleswig-Holstein, speaks at a session of the Schleswig-Holstein State Parliament. /picture alliance, Christian Charisius Kiel – Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister

Germany suspends agreements with Brazilian nursing staff

Germany suspends agreements with Brazilian nursing staff


/picture alliance, Bernd Weibrod Berlin The Federal Employment Agency has suspended the recruitment of Brazilian nursing staff to Germany through a two-year-old placement agreement. The current Brazilian government expressed concerns about the placement agreement and