Nursing should provide more medical services

Nursing should provide more medical services


/picture alliance, Friso Gentsch Berlin – Medical services that suitably qualified nursing professionals will be allowed to provide in the future are to be brought together in a special catalogue. This is stated in the

Newly founded Lausitz Medical University is forming

Newly founded Lausitz Medical University is forming


The entrance to the Carl-Thiem-Klinikum (CTK) Cottbus /picture alliance, dpa-Zentralbild, Patrick Pleul Berlin/Cottbus – The Medical University of Lausitz – Carl Thiem (MUL) in Cottbus, founded at the beginning of July, is taking shape. After

Bundestag passes Medical Research Act

Bundestag passes Medical Research Act


German Bundestag, 181st Bundestag session: Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, SPD, gives a speech in the debate on the Medical Research Act./picture alliance, dts agency Berlin – The Bundestag has passed the Medical Research Act

Medical Research Act in the Bundestag next week

Medical Research Act in the Bundestag next week


Karl Lauterbach (SPD), Federal Minister of Health/picture alliance, Hannes P Albert Berlin – The Medical Research Act (MFG) is to be passed in the Bundestag next week. This was confirmed today by Federal Health Minister

Lauterbach hopes for German leadership in medical...

Lauterbach hopes for German leadership in medical…


Karl Lauterbach (SPD), Federal Minister of Health /picture alliance, Michael Kappeler Berlin – Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) expects that Germany will become a leader in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine