Focus on expanding prenatal blood tests

Focus on expanding prenatal blood tests


Berlin – The consequences of the health insurance approval of non-invasive prenatal tests (NIPT) for trisomy 13, 18 and 21 in 2022 should be systematically evaluated. This was the opinion of the majority of experts

Focus health policy consistently on prevention

Focus health policy consistently on prevention


/Tartila, Berlin The Federal Government’s Expert Council on Health and Resilience has called for a fundamental rethink in health policy in two statements: the focus should no longer be on treating diseases, but on

Approval of egg donation moves into political focus

Approval of egg donation moves into political focus


/picture alliance, Rainer Jensen Berlin – FDP legal politician Katrin Helling-Plahr continues to push for the approval of egg donation, which is banned in Germany. She wants to submit a group motion to the Bundestag