First aid courses often date back years

First aid courses often date back years


/picture alliance, ANP, Sem van der Wal Cologne – Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, recovery position, rescue grip: Participants in a first aid course learn all of this. For almost 60 percent of Germans, the last one was

European Union increases humanitarian aid for Ukraine

European Union increases humanitarian aid for Ukraine


/picture alliance, Geisler-Fotopress, Dwi Anoraganingrum Brussels The European Union (EU) is increasing its humanitarian aid following the recent Russian attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. An additional 35 million euros are to be made available before

Aid organisation sees success in fighting hunger at risk

Aid organisation sees success in fighting hunger at risk


Marlehn Thieme, President of Welthungerhilfe. /picture alliance, Jrg Carstensen Berlin Welthungerhilfe has warned the German government against cutting funding for survival aid in humanitarian emergencies and for the long-term fight against hunger and poverty. The