Stem cell transplantation with in-vitro preparation of...

Stem cell transplantation with in-vitro preparation of…


/Dan Race,

Berlin The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) has restricted cash financing of allogeneic stem cell transplantation with in-vitro preparation of the transplant due to a lack of evidence. This involves the treatment of adult patients with acute lymphoblastic and acute myeloid leukemia (ALL and ALM) in hospital.

According to the G-BA decision, the service will no longer be financed by the health insurance companies if it is aimed solely at a maximum, non-specific reduction in the concentration of T cells. The benefits of this application, which is hardly relevant in the German treatment context, could not be proven by current studies, according to the Federal Committee.

In some cases, statutory health insurance companies continue to finance the service for the treatment of adults with ALL or AML: for transplants from haploidentical donors as well as for transplants from donors (related or unrelated) with a mismatch to the recipient in at least two different human beings Leukocyte antigen characteristics. The G-BA leaves the decision for or against in-vitro preparation to the medical expertise in each individual case.

A few years ago, the G-BA began reviewing allogeneic stem cell transplantation with in-vitro preparation of the transplant for acute leukemia in adults, but suspended the procedure until the end of 2025. This break should make it possible to incorporate current results from two studies into a decision. Since relevant information about the studies was already available before the deadline, the G-BA was able to resume its discussions early.

The G-BA points out that the decision does not relate to the preparation of so-called stem cell boosts. © hil/

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