Significantly more scarlet fever in children

Significantly more scarlet fever in children



Berlin The number of scarlet fever cases in children has recently risen sharply, according to the health insurance company DAK. In 2023, four times more children with the infectious disease were treated in doctors’ practices than in the previous year, according to an evaluation of billing data from the DAK German press agency is present.

In 2022, around 10 cases of scarlet fever per 1,000 children were documented by doctors; in 2023 there were almost 40 cases per 1,000 children. The fund estimates that almost 440,000 children up to the age of 14 are affected. This is the highest level in the past five years.

During the course of the corona pandemic, the number of cases for numerous infectious diseases fell sharply and rose significantly again after the infection protection measures expired. According to the information, 10 to 14 year old school children were particularly affected. In this age group, scarlet fever infections would have increased fivefold.

The results impressively reflected the reality in the practices, said Michael Hubmann, President of the Professional Association of Pediatricians and Adolescents (BVKJ). The sharp increase in cases of scarlet fever among children is due to catch-up effects after the pandemic.

Scarlet fever is considered a childhood disease and, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), is one of the most common bacterial infectious diseases in children. The cause is certain streptococci. They cause inflammation in the throat and fever. A red so-called raspberry tongue and skin rash are typical. The disease can be easily treated with antibiotics. © dpa/

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