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Saarbrücken/Mainz According to the CDU parliamentary groups, Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate should work more closely together on medical studies and medical care.
Medical care in both federal states faces very big challenges and there is a significant shortage of doctors, said Rhineland-Palatinate CDU health politician Christoph Gensch when presenting a position paper.
According to Gensch, the key points of the paper include ensuring medical care, jointly expanding the study place capacity in human medicine and creating study places in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland.
We are aiming to increase the number of study places by at least 100, he said. We believe this is necessary in order to cover the future need for doctors in Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate and also to ensure sustainable security of supply.
The study places should be subject to at least ten years of activity in the respective federal state, added Saarland CDU health politician Alwin Theobald.
To achieve this, more professorships and positions for teachers and lecturers would have to be created. And the resulting additional costs should then be borne proportionately by the two federal states, said Theobald.
According to Gensch, the Saarland University Hospital has more room for expansion. Medical studies there currently only start once a year, but this number is to be increased to twice a year.
In this respect, we see potential, capacities and opportunities to significantly expand this study location and thereby also increase the importance of the location. The CDU is not part of the state government in both federal states and is therefore in the opposition. © dpa/aerzteblatt.de
#Saarland #RhinelandPalatinate #combating #shortage #doctors