Practices generate less revenue in the first quarter of 2023

Practices generate less revenue in the first quarter of 2023


/picture alliance, Christian Charisius

Berlin The fee revenues of the practices fell slightly in the first quarter of 2023. This is evident from the current fee report of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV). According to this, revenues fell by an average of 0.8 percent per doctor compared to the same period last year.

According to the fee report, the national average fee revenue per doctor in the primary care sector fell by 2.1 percent in the first quarter of 2023. In addition, the average number of treatment cases per doctor fell by 4.9 percent compared to the same quarter last year. In contrast, fee revenue per treatment case rose by an average of 2.9 percent for general practitioners and primary care internists to EUR 71.26 per quarter and for pediatricians to EUR 71.75 per quarter.

In the specialist medical sector, the average fee turnover per doctor/psychotherapist remained constant in the first quarter of 2023. The fee turnover per treatment case increased by 3.0 percent (to 79.88 euros). At the same time, the average number of treatment cases per doctor decreased by 2.9 percent. The total fee turnover volume increased by 1.6 percent in the same period.

Total remuneration also increased in the first quarter of 2023, by 0.5 percent (56.9 million euros). However, extra-budgetary remuneration (EGV) fell by 12.4 percent in the reporting period. According to the KBV, the reason for this is primarily the abolition of the new patient regulation on January 1, 2023. The morbidity-related total remuneration (MGV), from which services for new patients have since been paid again, rose by 11.0 percent.

However, the KBV pointed out that the figures are only comparable to a limited extent with the same quarter last year, partly due to the corona pandemic. Added to this is the abolition of remuneration outside the MGV for contracted medical services for new patients and the higher surcharges for quick appointment scheduling. © hil/sb/

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