Final version of the national asthma care guideline...

Final version of the national asthma care guideline…



Berlin The Medical Center for Quality in Medicine (ZQ) and the Association of Scientific Medical Societies (AWMF) have published the new version of the National Care Guideline (NVL) for Asthma. The current version 5 is intended to summarize the current state of knowledge for all those involved in care.

Before publication, experts and interested parties were invited to comment on the draft of the guideline. More than 100 comments were received during the public consultation. As a result, misleading wording was improved and various detailed questions were clarified in the background texts, reports the guideline group.

The guideline contains, among other things, new recommendations for the drug treatment of asthma in children and adults. The step-by-step scheme for adults and for children and adolescents has been adapted in line with the new data.

But current findings on oxygen target saturation during an asthma attack or in the area of ​​complementary and alternative therapy options are also presented.

The NVL program is sponsored by the German Medical Association (BK), the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) and the AWMF. The ZQ is responsible for editing. © hil/

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