Fellowship Special Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of the Ocular Adnexa – DOG.org


1. Requirement

Specialist in ophthalmology

2. Duration

At least one year, an extension of the fellowship period until the catalogue is reached and the competency is obtained is possible on the part of the training institution.

3. Training catalogue

In order to obtain mentor status and to be issued with the Fellowship Certificate, proof of participation in training events organized by DOG and BVA or equivalent international (corresponding to ESOPRS quality) must be provided in accordance with the following training catalog (for the trainer, a maximum of the last 5 years; for the Fellow, a maximum of the last 3 years).

Subject area Hours
Anatomy of the eye including dissection exercises of the orbit and the periorbital region 8
Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of rare diseases of the eyelids, lacrimal ducts and orbit 4
Reconstructive and aesthetic-plastic surgeries that go beyond the requirements of regular specialist training. 16
Surgical and conservative treatment and aftercare of congenital and acquired anophthalmos including knowledge of prosthetic treatment options 2
Surgical rehabilitation for severe forms of endocrine orbitopathy 2
Local and regional anesthesia in the periorbital region 1
Aftercare after these surgical procedures 2
Complications and emergency management 3
Patient information, documentation of the above-mentioned procedures 2
Free choice from the above topics 20
In total 60

In addition, it is recommended to complete the corresponding EBO subspecialty exam, the curriculum of which forms the basis for this fellowship certificate.

4. Requirements for the Fellow

4.1. Diagnostics to be carried out independently by the Fellow

(under supervision of the mentor)

(in addition to the examinations required by the specialist and documented by written findings)

Subject area Hours
CT assessment of the orbit 20
MRI assessment of the orbit 20
Ultrasound of the orbit (independent performance of B-mode sonographies) 20
Imaging studies of the lacrimal ducts (CT, MRI, dacryocystography, high frequency ultrasound) * 20
Endonasal endoscopy (implementation and assessment)* 10
Transcanalicular endoscopy (performance and assessment) * 10
Tumor board participation 10
Emergency care for eyelids, tear ducts, orbit
of which at least 5 orbital injuries
* can be acquired in cooperation with neighbouring disciplines (OMG, ENT) or other eye clinics

Competence in the implementation and assessment of diagnostic measures for lacrimal duct diseases (dacryography, endoscopy) can be acquired through cooperation with other departments or through internships.

4.2. Conservative treatment to be carried out independently by the Fellow

(under supervision of the mentor)

Subject area Hours
Endocrine orbitopathy 30
Other inflammatory orbital diseases 5

4.3. Catalogue of procedures to be performed (1st surgeon)

(under supervision of the mentor)

When applying for the certificate, proof of the 300 procedures performed independently (1st surgeon) as listed below must be submitted.

Among these 300 required procedures and operations, at least 15 eyelid and 3 lacrimal duct reconstructions must be performed by the first surgeon.

a. Eyelid malposition 90 of that
15 Correction of complicated entropies (scar entropies, entropion recurrences)
15 Correction of complicated ectropions (scar ectropion, extensive medial ectropion, recurrences)
20 Ptosis operations (levator reinsertions and resections)
10 Eyelid lengthening procedures (top and subtitles)
30 Other
b. Tumor surgery 40 Histologically controlled excision of extensive malignant eyelid and periorbital tumors (e.g. basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, sebaceous gland carcinoma)
c. Eyelid reconstruction 60 After tumor resection, trauma or congenital defects
20 Reconstruction of extensive defects of the lower eyelid (>50% of the eyelid margin)
40 Other
d. Aesthetic procedures 70 40 Upper eyelid blepharoplasty
10 Lower eyelid blepharoplasty
20 Others, e.g. botulinum toxin, laser
e. Lacrimal duct interventions 25 5 Dacryocystorhinostomy
5 Treatment of lacrimal duct injuries
15 Lacrimal duct intubations
f. Orbital operations 15
5 Enucleations with orbital implant
10 Other
In total 300

5. Requirements for the equipment and organisation of the centre

  • Designated cooperation partner for radiological diagnostics for CT, MRI, dacryocystography
  • Ultrasound diagnostic device according to the KV ultrasound agreement “Ophthalmology”
  • endoscope
  • Tumor board
  • Inpatient emergency care (24/7)

Cooperation for rare diagnostics and operations is possible!

At the European level, the curriculum for the fellowships to prepare for and receive the “European fellow” is being prepared. The SORC expressly recommends that, once this curriculum has been accredited, the current proposal should be largely aligned with the European guidelines.

The new BVA/DOG Fellowship Certificate “Special Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery in Ophthalmology” replaces the previous “DOG Certificate for Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery in Ophthalmology”. The previous certificate can still be acquired for a transitional period of 2 years, but can no longer be acquired after that.

6. Application forms

SORC Fellow Application Form
SORC Application Form Mentor
SORC Application Form Centres

#Fellowship #Special #Plastic #Reconstructive #Aesthetic #Surgery #Ocular #Adnexa #DOG.org

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