Disease management program for children and adolescents with...

Disease management program for children and adolescents with…


/picture alliance, Markus Scholz

Berlin In the future there will be a specially tailored disease management program (DMP) for children and young people with obesity. The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) today decided on the requirements for such a structured treatment program.

In the new DMP, children should only be able to be treated from the age of five at the earliest. In order to estimate the extent of obesity, the so-called body mass index (BMI) can also be used in children and adolescents.

In contrast to adults, the prerequisite for DMP participation is not absolute BMI values, but rather age- and gender-dependent information. This statistical information can be used to assess how the individual BMI value of a child or teenager within the same age group should be assessed, the G-BA said in a statement.

The age-appropriate Disease Management Program (DMP) is intended to reduce the risk of obesity continuing into adulthood, according to the G-BA. To achieve this, poor nutrition and eating habits would generally have to be changed and physical activities stimulated.

In order to support children and young people in achieving their individual goals, they should receive age-appropriate training courses. If possible and sensible, parents or other important caregivers should be included in the planning of the necessary treatment approaches.

Our decision is the basis for closing supply gaps, said Karin Maag, impartial member of the G-BA and chairwoman of the DMP subcommittee. However, it will still be some time before the DMP can be used. As with all new DMPs, contracts would have to be negotiated at regional level and approved by the Federal Office for Social Security. © may/aerzteblatt.de

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