Clinic atlas updated and expanded

Clinic atlas updated and expanded


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Berlin The new state comparison portal for hospital services in Germany has been updated and expanded. With an update, among other things, the information on the number of cases was changed from the data year 2022 to 2023, as the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) announced upon request.

On the home page, the Federal Hospital Atlas also has two new tiles for the kidneys and abdominal cavity, after seven areas such as the heart, lungs, cancer and vessels were previously controllable. More than 25 treatment options are now shown to help you choose a clinic.

The Federal Hospital Atlas, launched in May by Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD), is intended to provide information about the services and quality of treatment of the 1,700 hospitals. To classify and compare, the number of cases provided for each treatment and the staffing levels are shown in a kind of speedometer display.

There was criticism of the portal from the hospital industry, specialist societies and the federal states, among other things because of some of the outdated data. The ministry had converted the portal and promised ongoing further updates. © dpa/

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