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Berlin The Association of Scientific Medical Societies (AWMF) has developed a concept together with its professional societies to continue the National Care Guidelines (NVL).
Until now, the NVL was coordinated via the Medical Center for Quality in Medicine (ZQ), which is jointly run by the German Medical Association (BK) and the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV). However, this will be dissolved on December 31, 2024.
In their role as a central knowledge base for disease management programs, the NVL must be urgently preserved, said AWMF President Rolf-Detlef Treede. The concept presented is intended to create the basis for this.
The aim is to make the future NVL lean and up-to-date in the sense of Living Guidelines while maintaining the same high methodological standards, thus setting the course for better care.
According to the concept, an overarching steering committee, in which all parties concerned are represented, should act as a shaping body to ensure independence.
The maintenance of the NVL program is to be financed through project funding for individual NVLs and structural funding. How the latter can be realized has not yet been clarified, it was said. © hil/sb/aerzteblatt.de
#AWMF #advocates #preservation #NVL #program